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North Jersey Pediatrics

Sick Visits

Sick children are seen on the same day whenever possible with an appointment.

Please reserve all non-urgent questions or concerns for office hours. If you need to reach us after the offices have closed, call the main numbers, (201) 794-8585 or (973) 249-1231, to reach the answering service. If you have call block enabled on your phone, please disable the service or provide an alternate phone number you can be reached at. The doctor will not return your call if you do not accept blocked numbers. If you do not receive a call back from our office within 30 minutes, please call again.

After 11:00 pm, your call will be forwarded to the Hackensack University Medical Center Triage Service. A nurse will return your call and provide medical advice. A record of all calls received by the Triage Service is reviewed by our office staff the next morning.

If our office is closed and it is a life threatening situation, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

Please call as early as possible so that we can effectively schedule your visit.

Two sets of parents hugging their children
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